Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The World of Orthodontics

When people say Orthodontics, there is one thing that directly comes to mind: BRACES. It is a well-known fact that orthodontists provide braces as a primary service in their clinics, but have you ever wondered what other services they can provide? Are there any other benefits from getting a consult with your orthodontist?

Orthodontics is an area of dental care that covers more than just braces applications. Orthodontics deals with a wider range of dental health and cosmetic care. The one thing all orthodontic patients have in common is this: malocclusions. These are also called IMPROPER BITES.

Almost everyone’s been to the dentist at one point or another, but most people hardly ever get consultations with orthodontists. Those who do, however, have greatly benefited from the various modifications they have received. If you are diagnosed with an improper bite, why should you have your bite corrected? There are two reasons:

Cosmetic Modification

A person’s appearance, when influenced by their dental structure, is called an OROFACIAL appearance. People with improper bites usually suffer from the frustration of having an unaesthetic smile. Orthodontists are usually employed when one wants to correct their bite in order to improve their appearance. Most patients complain about crooked or crowded teeth, while others want to correct their overbites and underbites.

Joint Disorders

The most common joint disorder is TMJ or TEMPOROMANDIBULAR  JOINT DISORDER. This is a very debilitating disorder wherein a patient is diagnosed with adislocated or misaligned jaw. The symptoms may include pain that is either localized to the jaw area or radiating towards the neck.It proceeds to manifest as a headache when left untreated.

What Treatments Can You Get From Your Orthodontist?


Braces are the most common mode of intervention in Orthodontics. Metal bands and bracketsare often used to correct a person’s bite; however, they can also be used to widen the palate or the jaws.

Hidden Braces

Hidden braces are placed behind your teeth so that no one knows you’re wearing them unless you point it out. It may be conducive for people who prefer the aesthetic values of hidden braces, but only your orthodontist is allowed to determine whether you need them or not. An example of hidden braces is the Incognito®.


Aligners are invisible retainers that do not need any wires or brackets. It’s perfect for people who don’t want to sport traditional braces and retainers. An example of an invisible aligner is Invisalign®.

Sleep Disorder Treatments

You may think that this scope of medical treatment is far removed from orthodontics, but think again! Sleep apnea and snoring is one of the major problems that require orthodontics as a tertiary form of intervention. Your orthodontist can prescribe you with an oral snoring device to alleviate sleep apnea ornocturnal snoring.

Jaw Disorder Treatments

If you’re having any problems with your jaw, seeing your orthodontist will give you the chance to look at the viable options to fix your problem. They can isolate the problem and fix it locally or adjust your whole bite in general.

If you think you have any of the problems mentioned above, then maybe it’s time for you to take a little trip to the orthodontist’s office. At least now, you’ll feel better knowing that these treatments are all designed to benefit your teeth in the long run.

Orthoworks Invisalign and Orthodontic Group offers a variety of treatments stated above like traditional braces, Damon braces, Incognito® braces and Invisalign®. Visit your nearest office and see what they have to offer!

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