Friday, November 22, 2013

Healthy Treats for Healthy Teeth: Food That’s Good For Your Teeth

What’s the one thing that all dentists hate as much as parents do? Cavities. What gives us cavities? Plaque. Now, where does plaque come from? We get it from the food we eat everyday. We have compiled from various sources a list of food items that are not only safe for your teeth, but healthy too! At Orthoworks, we all want what’s best for you and we would like to provide that by teaching you what food is good for your teeth!

The Yale School of Medicine says:

“When you drink and munch starchy or sugary foods, you're not only feeding yourself, you're feeding the plaque that can cause havoc in your mouth ... When sugars or starches in your mouth come in contact with plaque, the acids that result can attack teeth for 20 minutes or more after you finish eating. Repeated attacks can break down the hard enamel on the surface of teeth, leading to tooth decay. Plaque also produces toxins that attack the gums and bone supporting the teeth.”

Here are a few choice items and some details on how they can be good for your oral health:

Bubble Gum

You didn’t expect that did you? We’re not suggesting that you bust out all your change for a whole stack of Double Mints, but you should consider stocking up on sugar-free gum at your local supermarket. Chewing gum is known to stimulate saliva production. Saliva is the most natural teeth cleaner. Saliva dislodges food that is stuck between the crevices of your teeth. Not only that, but your saliva is the main factor in oral digestion. Proper oral digestion ensures that you have dissolved as much food in your mouth as possible. This prevents the accumulation of food between your teeth.


Dairy food contains acid neutralizers that are good for your teeth. Acid can erode the enamel on your teeth which is why it is good to counteract eating acidic food like sour food and citrusy food with a glass of milk or a cup of yougurt. Greek yogurt is advisable because it is pure and hardly contains any sugar. Fresh milk is also good for your teeth. Milk is rich in calcium and calcium is good for your teeth and gums. Other dairy options include cheese, sugar-free ice cream and milk teas.

Crunchy Fruit

Firm and crunchy fruit are good for your teeth because their high water content neutralizes tha acid that they contain. They also stimulate saliva production.

Citrus Fruit

When eating acidic fruit like tomatoes, lemons, strawberries and other citrus fruit, make sure that you are eating them as part of the meal so that the acid they contain can be neutralized. Citrus fruit is full of vitamin C. This will aide in strengthening blood vessels and connective tissue. Eating this will also slow down the progression of gingivitis due to its immune-boosting characteristics.


Nuts are good for your teeth as well because they are high in phosphorous and calcium. Theese nutrients aide in the formation and maintenance of your teeth. Try some trail mix or specific nuts like pistacchios and macadamia nuts.


Salmon, a fatty fish, is good for your teeth as well. It contains vitamin D. This is needed for better absorption of calcium. This will make it easier for your teeth and bones to absorb the full power of the calcium that is found in the food that you eat every day.

Make sure that you include the food mentioned above in your regular diet. Not only are they good for your body, but they are especially good for your teeth as well. Orthoworks cares about the health of your teeth and gums. That’s why we’re providing you with this information so that you won’t have to make frequent trips to your dentist, other than for your yearly consultation.

1 comment:

  1. A good toothbrush is essential to clean your teeth starts from the right toothbrush. An electric toothbrush is particularly good at getting rid of daily plaque and stains.

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