Monday, January 20, 2014

New Year, New Teeth, New You!

It’s the start of a New Year for everyone. With the New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions. Are you ready to follow through on yours? If you can’t follow through with the big ones, then start small by taking care of the small things, namely your teeth. Here are some New Year’s Resolutions you can do with your teeth!


Yes, it’s difficult. However, it’s a good decision in the long run because by the end of the year, you will have a cleaner mouth, stronger teeth and fresher breath! If you can’t do it immediately, find ways on how you can beat that unhealthy habit.

Eat more Fruits and Vegetables

This one is an easier task. All you have to do is rethink what you’re buying at the grocery. If you’re not much of a vegetarian, then you can add some vegetables to your omelette or create delicious fruit smoothies. The vitamins and minerals that you get from fruits and veggies can significantly improve your oral health. Did we forget to mention that eating fruits and vegetables lessens the chance of having bad breath?

Drink Moderately

Although it’s good advice for people who are a little too happy with the bottle, reducing your alcohol intake can help keep your teeth healthy. Alcoholic drinks have a tendency to be too acidic for the environment in your mouth, thereby increasing the chances of enamel erosion. Aside from that people who smoke, eat poorly and consume excessive amounts of alcohol have a greater chance of having increased gum recession or periodontal pocketing.

Brush At Least Twice A Day and Floss At Least Once A Day

Almost everyone does this because of fear of halitosis, but some people are too lazy to pick up dental floss or brush their teeth before going to bed. It’s not such a huge endeavor. Even two year-olds can do it on their own. So keep in mind that brushing twice a day and flossing once a day will keep your teeth healthier and cleaner and lessens the chance of you getting oral diseases.

Go to Your Annual Dental Checkup

For those of you who do not experience a lot of dental problems, foregoing your dental check-up is still a bad idea. You’ll never know what’s hiding beneath your teeth so it is always a good idea to get checked on a regular basis. Getting checked once a year is fine as long as you stick to a pre-assigned schedule. This way, your dentist can check your oral health status and recommend a dental regimen that suits your teeth and gums’ needs.

OrthoWorks Invisalign and Orthodontic group makes it their priority to keep your oral health care in check. We care about you and your teeth, that is why we are striving to provide you with pertinent information regarding your teeth and how you can take care of it properly. Visit us or contact us for more information.

Orthoworks is one of the top oral health care providers in the West Coast. Our vision includes providing our clients with the best oral health procedures and treatments that we specialize in. Contact your nearest Orthoworks office from this list of branches or call us at (650) 589-4563 to schedule your appointment today!

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